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Copywriting services for brands with purpose

As well as b2b companies I also work with nonprofits and therapists who offer services to those in the neurodivergent space.

Below are all the good reasons why I want to work with this particular group of people.

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Copywriter for nonprofits

As a nonprofit, you’re either pursuing donations or grants or you’re looking for volunteers. In today’s economic climate, a combination of inflation and the cost of living crisis has made it more difficult than ever to raise funds. Your copy and content need to be on point with a message that resonates and connects on an emotional level with your audience.


I’m a copywriter for nonprofits within the neurodivergent space so if you’re a nonprofit that provides support to those with a neurodivergent condition and you need copy and/or content, I’d like to hear from you.


I’m also open to working with nonprofits outside the neurodivergent space, so don’t hold back from getting in touch. If I can help I will, and each project will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

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Copywriter for therapists

I’m a copywriter for therapists who specifically helps autistic people or those with ADHD. In the UK you may work for the NHS and see clients privately or you may work within private healthcare. Your therapy will be both ethical and human-centred and be designed to help people with a neurodivergent condition live their best lives.

Copywriter for brands in the neurodivergent space

Are you creating services or products designed to support neurodivergent adults and/or children?

It’s often said that web copy in general needs a more human touch (especially tech) when it comes to web copy and content - and this is very true. That’s where hiring me as your go-to copywriter kicks in - I have a highly developed empathy muscle, and yes I can be sensitive to other people’s feelings, but I direct this into my copywriting where it can work its magic.


And I do that extremely well.

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I’m an autistic copywriter 

You see, I’m autistic and I’m a brand copywriter - it’s a beautiful combination, the right combination and exactly what you need.


Former clients have described me as both intuitive and perceptive - and marketing your products and services is all about other people’s emotions. By utilising my skills you will have copy that connects with the people you want to reach. Not by using yucky, pushy sales talk but by creating brand copy that resonates with your audience. 


I understand the neurodivergent market 


You need a brand copywriter who can emphasise the value of your product or service to the autistic community or to their carers or family members, the very people who will gain the most from what you’ve created  - and no one is going to understand that better than I do because I am autistic. 


And while the rise in diagnoses increases, so do the products and services that are designed for it. And while you may well have autistic employees, they may not necessarily provide the copywriting and content - I DO.


How does your target audience speak, communicate, and what do they worry about?


What are their pain points?


What keeps them awake at night and what do they struggle with?


What are they looking for and how can your solution help them?

If you’ve thought about this carefully and you’ve done your homework, you’ve researched whether there’s an audience for your solution, and you’re now ready to write your web copy. 


You may even be at the point where you’ve started to make some sales and people are biting, but it’s not enough, so you need to rewrite your existing copy on your website because it’s not doing it's work and attracting the right people.


What to do?


Well, you hire me. 


I provide web copy, individual web pages (landing and sales pages) and content in the form of articles, case studies and white papers.


My focus is on SaaS, tech, nonprofits and mental health professionals who create products or services that help neurodivergent people and communities. 


Why do I do that?


Because, as an autistic copywriter, I have a unique perspective on what it’s like to be autistic and neurodivergent. The lived experience is better than no experience, and when it comes to writing your copy, I’ll have a distinct advantage in having a unique understanding of what your product or service does and why it’s so important.


I want to do good in the world, I want to support those who create things that help support both autistic and other neurodivergent people and children through my writing services. 


If you’re hooked and you know I’m the one for you, get in touch or read more about how I work by using the buttons below. 

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