We looked at assistive tech last week, and today we're looking at how the art of storytelling can make a dramatic difference to a nonprofit's success
Stories aren't just nice little additions to throw down occasionally on your nonprofit website. They can play a vital role in getting you seen by the right people who can help make a difference to your work.
Now, more than ever with increased competition, to stand out, clarity on your mission, who you help and why, and your future vision need to be spelled out. This can be done by utilizing storytelling to draw your reader in and make a bigger impact. Strong emotional connections can help you to illustrate the reason why you're doing what you do and make the reader compelled to take action. It's not plucking at the heartstrings to get money out of people, it's simply making people aware of the problem, and feel like they're part of something, that they're fundamentally important to the cause. Your cause becomes their cause.

Look at how Red Nose Day tells their stories each year. The stories aren't just about pulling at people's heartstrings, they're also about telling people how their money is spent and the people who benefit. You could easily convert these methods to your nonprofit by compiling case studies that detail the people who've benefited from your nonprofit, and you could also feature articles on those who've donated and what they've done to raise funds.
As we've mentioned before, the days of people pounding the streets with a charity bucket are almost over, as digital platforms become the main method for people to access information. Digital stories will become an important way for nonprofits to engage with audiences using not just text-based stories, but social media, video, and interactive content.
Modern donors are perceptive donors and people want to know where their money is going, especially in an unstable economy. In order to remain transparent and authentic you need to be more open on how you spend funds, who you help and why. Stories are a perfect way to showcase how you do this, and you can do it in a variety of different ways as we've just seen. It also helps to build trust and make your audience feel like they want to give you money if it helps in areas they are concerned with the most.
Donations are great but there's more to nonprofits than just raising funds. They also need champions for their cause, supporters who will act as advocates and promote your nonprofit's work. By using clever storytelling methods you can inspire people to become promoters of your nonprofit through volunteering, asking for policy changes, or simply by spreading awareness. Storytelling also helps you to adapt to a world that is in constant flux, keeping your nonprofit current and engaged with the world.

Consider the role of your story, mission, vision, and message -
Mission - it's not just the why, it's the how and the people you serve. Be concise and clear so people understand and act on your words.
Vision - What do you want the world to be like for the people you're trying to help? Make it strong and let people know what you are trying to achieve.
Story - a story with a beginning middle and end brings your story to life, allowing people to see the challenges you've met, the obstructions you've successfully conquered, and the impact you've made so far and intend to make in the future.
Message - your message is concise, clear and consistent. Tailor your message to your audience and make sure you stick to it regardless of which medium you use to share it.
Consider these things in terms of getting your story across successfully -
Be authentic, genuine, and honest
Don't just rely on text-based content, use video and images
Use social media, and use a platform where you know your audience will see you, whether that's LinkedIn or Instagram
Ask your donors and community members to share their own stories. Stories about how funds were raised and how your nonprofit has helped them can be compelling.
Building strong storytelling techniques can have a powerful impact on audiences and is worth the investment in time.
So, if you'd like some help getting your nonprofit seen more widely, take a look at some of my blog writing services over on my packages page, or my website copywriting services. I also provide case studies, so don't hesitate to get in touch and we can work on a programme of services going forwards together. I provide 6-month and 12-month packages to suit your budget or we can work on a short-term project.
Drop me an email today: gillianjonescopywriting@gmail.com