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Case Study - Clarity hour/Power hour

A woman smiling and sitting in front of a laptop


Power hours or in this case Clarity hours, can be all-consuming. There's a lot to do in one 60 minute session, and it can become very intense. With this in mind, I usually speak with the client prior to the hour starting, so we know exactly what we're doing in the time we have. This helps avoid overwhelm and keeps us on track. It also helps us avoid going over time, and have space around the problem. This way we have plenty of time to talk and take a breath.

The Challenge| The Action

In this particular session the client initially wanted me to look at two pages (I now only focus on one page with this offer), the Home Page and the About Page, although we eventually settled on the About Page.

The client was also a copywriter like myself, and found that although writing for her own clients came easy, it wasn't the same when writing for herself. Writing copy for clients is far more straightforward than it is to write for ourselves. This is because it's often harder to have an outsider's perspective when writing your own copy - you'e too close to it.

I have my work processes mapped out. However, when I'm working with a client it's all about making them feel comfortable, and working in a way that for them, feels intuitive, where they feel able to talk with fluency and confidence. In fact, the client commented that I had put them at their ease. This is always good to know in terms of how I communicate with clients and that I'm on the right track.

Once we started working on the About Page (she'd created a draft wirefame on Figma), we got down to more detailed work, where I pointed out differentiators and what value they had in terms of the client setting themselves apart. At the time, the client was considering a pivot towards a positioning service for clients, and we discussed how the client was perfect for this type of work, and what value their clients might expect from such a service. It was clear that the skills and experience were all there and that the draft of her About Page would need some tweaks to reflect this. We agreed that the client was on track with this new direction.

The Results

The client felt that the whole experience had been refreshing to get the perspective from someone relatable, but who had a different way of looking at things. This comes back to the outsider's perspective, sometimes we can be too close to the coal face and need to take a step back and allow someone else to look deeper at the details. The client felt that they didn't just get clarity, but the encouragement and confidence to push ahead with the repositioning of their business.

Sometimes, a service can have a ripple effect on other parts of a business, and this is a good example. Not only did we find the best ways to improve the website, we found other ways in which the client felt the clarion call to go ahead with the journey she wanted her business to take. This included adjusting the rest of her website and feeling overall much more confident about her repositioning.

The Conclusion

Businesses often feel that brand story is something-nice-to-have but not something essential to their business, especially in the economic upside down world of marketing mayhem since 2020. After all, businesses want to make money, but without a strong brand, and the power of storytelling to create a captive CEO/Founder/team brand story, their business could easily stagnate, and especially in a saturated market.

Looking at your brand story, your Home Page, your About Page, from whichever angle you want to look at this, you could be paving the way for a complete restart. You could be unpacking ideas you'd abandoned, exploring different viewpoints, and drawing conclusions about things you'd left behind. This opens doors to new ventures and better alignment with your mission, vision and goals. I also offer a Story Hour where clients can go over their personal brand story positioning and have it outlined in a document for future reference.

The conclusion is that a Clarity Hour or a Story Hour of this nature can really help you to view things more clearly and get renewed focus on where you want to changes things and why.


If you'd like to book a Clarity Hour or Story Hour, head over to my services page and then message me to discuss further. From there we can see whether we're a good fit, and most importantly see how I can help and how I can be of service to you. Then we can potentially book your power hour!

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